“The Effect of Innovation, Social Responsibility on Products Image Overseas” The National Social Science Fund of China-Post-Funding [grant number 20FYB051] (Principal Investigator)

Release time:2024-10-17Views:41

Abstract: The impact of tech-based innovation and social responsibility on business and society, even on the world, has never been more significant. Innovation and social responsibility initiatives are becoming the norm for most companies in developed countries. This also applies to Chinese firms. What is the overseas image of Chinese products? How can a Chinese firm enhance their overseas image under this new normal? In terms of Innovation (tech-based and market-based innovation) and Social Responsibility (perceived corporate social responsibility, CSR), which one is more important to improve overseas image of Chinese products? Is there a significant difference between how developing countries and developed countries view Innovation and Social Responsibility? More importantly, how does a firm realize these two intangible assets? The transformation from tech-based innovation and social responsibility to brand and/or product image is separated by a giant chasm of liquidity.

This empirical study conducted a survey from 68 countries and 6701 foreign consumers. This is a rare dataset in survey research, which might produce several promising results. Based on the dataset, the status quo of overseas image of Chinese products was simulated, existing problems were analyzed, and the transmission mechanism was explored. Next, this study examines the primary paths and implementation framework for consumer-company relationships, in particular, exchanging and discussing the choice between innovation and social responsibility activities in different regions, comparing the performance of overseas image of Chinese products, enhancing our efforts on tech-based innovation and CSR, research and development and perceived CSR, and discovering the optimum paths to improving overseas image of products from both tech-based innovation and social responsibility, respectively. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used in data analyses.